Do you want to exchange worry for focus?
We receive thousands of impressions and messages every day.
When it comes time to make a decision, there is an infinite amount of information and choices.
It's easy to get distracted.
Many people want to give us advice, and in the end, we feel lost, tired, and stressed.
We struggle to answer questions about what we want, from small things like what we want to do over the weekend
to what we dream of and what we value.
We lack a habit of listening inward and making decisions without stress.
Creative Meditation is a process to find your way of listening inward, gain more focus, and better understand yourself.
Learn the process in our online course see all the information below.
Suitable for you if:
You want to build a habit of relaxation.
You want clarity on what you truly want.
You want to find focus.

You will learn a habit of listening inward and making decisions without stress.
The process includes: meditation, creativity, and reflection.
The online course is structured with two sessions per week over three months.
The method is simple and effective, requiring 30 minutes twice a week.
The course includes 24 sessions with exercises, videos, and audio files.
You don't need to know anything about meditation or painting to participate.
After the course, you will have a toolbox of exercises, to help you reclaim trust, clarity and focus.
Materials: a notebook and four pens
Goal: Establish a habit of listening inward and making decisions without stress.
Below you find a video of the process.
What others have said:
"Creative Meditation doesn't change what happens in life but how I handle it." - Karen French
"Fantastic, fun, and rewarding course! Creative meditation became a tool for reflection, playfulness, and creativity for me. Ingela is incredibly skilled at bringing out joy and how to use one's intuition more. After the course, I have continued to use the method, and besides stillness and reflection, it has provided new insights, perspectives, and a lot of joy." - Maria Lindblad
"Creative meditation has lead me to find new sicoveries about myself through drawing meditations. Every time I reach for my drawing materials I wonder what will I discover next..." Kym Nelson
If you want to read more about what previous participants have thought, there is an exploratory study by Dr. Mathilde Gautier about the method."

Course Instructor: Ingela Johansson
I have worked with creativity as an educator, designer, and artist in Sweden and Southeast Asia. My interest in meditation began in my teenage years, but it wasn't until 2014 that it became a daily routine when I discovered how much easier it was to handle being creative under time pressure.
In 2016 it helped me through a divorce, a move from Asia to Sweden with my children and rebuilding my company and along the way I found myself.
I am trained in the Silva Method and Positive Inquiry.
In 2016, I founded Zenart, and in 2019, I published the book 'Create to Flow.'
So far, I have been fortunate to lead groups for over 30 years in eight countries."